Tuesday, June 30, 2015


In a tycoon I found that everyone was rich in game. Heres a screenshot:
Without asking a person named legodudeDK sent me over six billon in cash.
The hacker could be anyone but "legodudeDK" was the only one who donated to me... Not much proof there but its all I got.

Dear Readers,
I hope you enjoy this short story about a hacker.

Dear hackers,
Gimme storys.

Monday, June 29, 2015


I  have a quick video and a story:

A guy by the name of "Bill" says he will steal all of our money. I record him saying this and heres what we got:

Spoiler alert:
He never does it.

Dear Readers,
Stick around as im now finding liars!
There will be more!

            Your blogger,
                                 Corbin M.

Dear Haters,
If you don't like me then why did you come here?

                        Some guy,


I won the war in my own way! He disabled the comments (The time this was posted)
... so no one could see the TRUTH.

He was one of the biggest story on here so far! he had 5 post of his own! But he gave up? Also after he did this I went in the game with an ALT but I was kicked because it was private.
 (Kicking people just for playing your game?)

I guess they were partying about it because I took this snip:

But this is also sad... The biggest story on this blog is gone... But I will keep finding the online daters, hackers, spammers and more!

Dear Zombie,
I won this war. And you retreated. You never had to start this but you did. Why?

Dear "His" Admins,
Hello admins! I hope you aren't all AA's!

Dear Admiral,

Dear Readers,
I bet this is the end. I already won this war so I don't think about a part 6. But who knows!

AA part 4! (THE WAR BEGINS?)

Well the admins REALLY hate me... I never did anything from my last post about the profile. But they said some things... here's what the owner posted in the desc:
What? At the time I liked this game. So why would I be rude to the admins knowing I would be banned. How am I selfish? "Annoying" lies? So that alerted me that he started a war. I thought this was over. And he commented these:
What? I think he only kicked me so I couldn't report him after he said this:
So I'm the one using profanity to look cool?
And he posted this before the other one:
Wow a threat. And he blames me for being rude?

I told him about this. He takes it to far.
So will their be a AA part 5? I hope not...
But what is hope now?

Dear Owner,
Why did you take it this far? I thought it would stop at part 1.

Dear Readers,
Comment anything you want to know and hopefully I can answer.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

AA part 3 (WAR)

Wow... I never thought there would be a part three...  The owner admin was mad at me so I would never play that game again... but here's yet another story.

I was looking at the blog and I found a comment had been posted... it said:

I looked in the comments and found a post of the owner saying some thing about Admiral having
admin. Knowing he had admin why would I start anything with him, or the owner?
I went to his profile and found it was a new profile... No post on it... Nothing... Here's a quick 
I get people hating me, but a brand new profile doing it? Seems like the owner or another admin did this to try to make me stop. But this is becoming my job and I don't stop working. So that's is the end of this story... I hope...

                                            To be Continued...?

Dear readers,
I don't know what will happen. Stick around!

Dear Juvininal Death,

Dear admins,
Is this over or not? 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Talking Guest?!?!

I did it! I found a talking guest! And likely a hacker in a nice bundle.

Picture of proof!

Two girls One post

Hey guys! I got an idea for this blog! What if I make another but about MINIMODS.

If you don't know minimods report people to try to get them banned to help roblox!
I started doing this... Also about the ODer thing... I found an ODer without trying! Heres a pic:

 Also a girl talking about sex...
Thats all!

Dear Readers,
Keep waiting as I will find them all!(Sorta)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Hello guys! This blog is about the people on Roblox. So I will be going to Boys and girls hangout to find ODers.

                                         Dear Readers,
                                           You can call this a test if you like.
                                               Still hate ODers!

AA part 2?!!?

Hello guys! Remember my first post about the story of Admiral Piett? Well he lied to the owner and now there being very rude. I wont play that game anymore because of all the AA's. :c
Luckily this got me an idea for a post! Heres another story!

I went in the game and I saw admiral peitt was in it. He was mad at me. But also the owner was in there. It messaged me some messages saying: "Admiral Piett did nothing!"
I knew that admiral piett lied. After a few minutes I released that the owner was very mad at me. He made me think "This guy is annoying." Then he sent a PM it said (WITH PROOF)
  (#AAowner) I never said "his" admins were "dicks." But now I know he's a dick!
Anyway I think I will never play this game again. But wait there's more! I think I may send this to roblox and get him (Hopefully) banned from roblox for the following:

Foul words

                                                                Dear Owner,
                                                                I never did anything to you or call your admins "dicks"
                                                                                           From the guy you hate,

                 Dear Readers,
                 Don't worry I'm okay!
                 I don't think you sould play his game. Its full of AA's and one time a saw a hacker (Not big enough for his own post) 
                                                             From your poster,
                                                                  Corbin M.


                                                               Dear Admiral Peitt,

                                                                              From your not friend,
                                                                                        Corbin M.

If any admins are reading this from his deadzone game on roblox: This is becoming my job!

Kid Hacker?!?!

Hello guys! I see in just under 1 day (total) I have gotten 30 page views! I have been looking for hackers, cheaters and AA's all day! I found a kid that said he was a hacker. He told me not to say his name or he would "hack me." This all started when he said "i fked ur mum noob."
But I knew that was bullcrap. As he had the grammar of a kid. So I guess he is a kid. I asked him what my moms name was. And he said "Mary Roseaphil." I had never heard of this name all my life.
I knew he was lying and I tested him and said: "Oh in the blue room with the orange bed and the white car?" He said yes. I knew he would randomly agree with what I said so I said "No you didn't. I don't live there!" He sent me a message even though he was not a friend or follower and it said "I hack stopid so STFU." After seeing the message I sent him a message saying "Or else?"
Then he joined my game and somehow had admin! He kicked me and when I came back (30-40 seconds later) it was griefed. (But I went to the last save)

He said he would do it again if I talked about him. But not saying his name means he wont.

                                             Dear Readers,
                                             1+ this blog and keep track because I will be finding Raigers this time!
                                              (I bust the Hackers, Cheaters, Raigers and more!)

                                                                       From a Non-Hacker
                                                                                   Corbin M.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Hey guys! Remember to follow this blog so you get alerted of new post. Also comment your ideas and I will write a blog about it and give you credit for it. I will keep looking for those AA's! Also I may make a Roblox group about this! I hope I don't get famous or the hackers won't come. Popular or lower but if famous I will likely make an ALT.

                                Dear readers,
                                Tell your friends about this blog! Let's try and get 100 people to look at                                        this blog and I will make sure to try harder!

                                                  From your blogger,

Card Bot

We will talk about hacks/cheating/glitching! This is not really a hack,cheat or glitch. But its there!
So I bring you all the story of the "Card bot."

A man named PzNz posted a thread about this "Card bot." What it is said to be is a boat that types codes on the redeem codes page and clicks redeem. Its rare but it can work. (My friends do it a lot)
The user PzNz states that this bot can get your a count BANNED for using it. Roblox cant detect when you us it so you only get banned if you contact the Roblox admins and tell them you did that. So really this wont get you banned, unless you give yourself up. That's the story of the "Card Bot!"


Hello guys! I found another AA on http://www.roblox.com/games/141906232/Deadzone-Remade!
His name is Admiral Peitt and he should be baned from that game and maybe a warning from ROBLOX!

Reasons for that game:
AA abusing, Threats and bullying.

Reasons for ROBLOX:
Threats and bullying!

Dear Admiral Peitt,
If your reading this you should know I did nothing to you
                                                      From the guy you baned,
                                                                      Corbin M.

Dear you guys,
Welcome to this blog! Stay here if you want to see people get (possible) BUSTED. Your the people
that keep me blogging!
                                                      Owner of this blog,
                                                                       Corbin M.

Dear ZombieStudio101/Owner,
Please ban Admiral Peitt from the game or remove his admin and tools as some have insta kill at the spawn. Even you said he likes to AA.

                                                 P.S: Will I be un-baned so I can play your game? I miss it so much :o

                                                            From the guy thats not an AA,
                                                                           Corbin25998boss/ Corbin M.

Do you want to know how this came to be? Well I saw at the time the AA, (lets call him AP for short)  AP. I told him the player kills he had (90) were fake. I then left hoping he would not use his admin on me. When I came back he was still there but had 100 kills! I told him he used the admin for kills he then came to spawn and shot me with a gun that I have never seen before. He kept doing it and every few kills he did (:Set Player kills me 100) so it looked like he never killed me. (Idk why) Then he said: "If you keep dissing me I will ban you. Skrub!"
I took a screenshot of this and left out of fear. I had to alert the admin. I commented about it and then when I came back he seemed fine. He went AFK for a long time then sent me a privite message saying: ":3"
I thought about what it means and then BOOM! I got banned! THAT, is the story of this AA!

UPDATE: I got unbanned and now I am having fun on this amazeing game!

Update 2: The owner is mad and stuff. ROLF.