Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Kid Hacker?!?!

Hello guys! I see in just under 1 day (total) I have gotten 30 page views! I have been looking for hackers, cheaters and AA's all day! I found a kid that said he was a hacker. He told me not to say his name or he would "hack me." This all started when he said "i fked ur mum noob."
But I knew that was bullcrap. As he had the grammar of a kid. So I guess he is a kid. I asked him what my moms name was. And he said "Mary Roseaphil." I had never heard of this name all my life.
I knew he was lying and I tested him and said: "Oh in the blue room with the orange bed and the white car?" He said yes. I knew he would randomly agree with what I said so I said "No you didn't. I don't live there!" He sent me a message even though he was not a friend or follower and it said "I hack stopid so STFU." After seeing the message I sent him a message saying "Or else?"
Then he joined my game and somehow had admin! He kicked me and when I came back (30-40 seconds later) it was griefed. (But I went to the last save)

He said he would do it again if I talked about him. But not saying his name means he wont.

                                             Dear Readers,
                                             1+ this blog and keep track because I will be finding Raigers this time!
                                              (I bust the Hackers, Cheaters, Raigers and more!)

                                                                       From a Non-Hacker
                                                                                   Corbin M.

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