Wednesday, June 24, 2015

AA part 2?!!?

Hello guys! Remember my first post about the story of Admiral Piett? Well he lied to the owner and now there being very rude. I wont play that game anymore because of all the AA's. :c
Luckily this got me an idea for a post! Heres another story!

I went in the game and I saw admiral peitt was in it. He was mad at me. But also the owner was in there. It messaged me some messages saying: "Admiral Piett did nothing!"
I knew that admiral piett lied. After a few minutes I released that the owner was very mad at me. He made me think "This guy is annoying." Then he sent a PM it said (WITH PROOF)
  (#AAowner) I never said "his" admins were "dicks." But now I know he's a dick!
Anyway I think I will never play this game again. But wait there's more! I think I may send this to roblox and get him (Hopefully) banned from roblox for the following:

Foul words

                                                                Dear Owner,
                                                                I never did anything to you or call your admins "dicks"
                                                                                           From the guy you hate,

                 Dear Readers,
                 Don't worry I'm okay!
                 I don't think you sould play his game. Its full of AA's and one time a saw a hacker (Not big enough for his own post) 
                                                             From your poster,
                                                                  Corbin M.


                                                               Dear Admiral Peitt,

                                                                              From your not friend,
                                                                                        Corbin M.

If any admins are reading this from his deadzone game on roblox: This is becoming my job!

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